This short book packs delightfully odd, satisfying, and sometimes laugh-out-loud-funny moments.
When I heard its premise, I feared that this book might possibly be offbeat for the sake of being offbeat, or possibly lacking substance or characters' self-reflection, or that it might be interesting but otherwise potentially shallow. Which was rude of me, but I did wonder if the striking setup itself might be the most powerful element, with the writing potentially paling in comparison.
But it was none of those things, and I just loved this. Nothing to See Here is a short book but it packs delightfully odd, satisfying, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny punches. Kevin Wilson provides some heartbreaking disappointment about family members' emotional limitations and conditional loyalty, and I rejoiced when his characters crafted their chosen relationships into a satisfying pod that functioned like family.
The story stars combustible children and the low-key, unambitious misfit who sticks with them, making them feel unequivocally safe and understood for the first time.

Any Bossy thoughts about this book?
Before I read this, I went with some members of my book club and other friends to hear Kevin Wilson speak at our local library foundation event. He was unassuming, charming, and quirky, so I knew I had to give this book a go. I haven't read any of his others yet, have you?
This book was listed in the Greedy Reading List Six More Great Fiction Titles I Loved This Year.