The Books I'm Reading Now
I'm reading a memoir about coping with chronic illness; a twisty mystery in which people aren't always what they seem; and a young adult mystery with heart, the second in a series.
Which books are you reading and enjoying these days, bookworms?
01 What Doesn't Kill You by Tessa Miller
The subtitle of Miller's memoir What Doesn't Kill You is A Life with Chronic Illness--Lessons from a Body in Revolt.
Miller was a twentysomething writer in New York City when she began having odd symptoms, terrible pain, and mysterious physical issues. After multiple misdiagnoses and increasing discomfort and fear, she was ultimately diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
In What Doesn't Kill You, Miller explores the isolation of enduring chronic disease, her own personal experiences coping with pain and uncertainty, and how she looks to the future with hope.
02 The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
Hannah has just celebrated her one-year anniversary of marriage to Owen, she may be making the slightest inroads with her teenaged stepdaughter Bailey--and she may finally be getting used to living on a houseboat too.
But a stranger shows up at the door with a cryptic message for Hannah, the news says Owen's company was fudging its numbers, and now Owen is nowhere to be found.
Laura Dave is setting up a well-rounded, fascinating mystery so far; Hannah and Bailey are pushed to work together to try to find Owen; a US marshal and federal agents are eager to locate him and to pressure his family for information; and the only lawyer Hannah knows to turn to for help is her ex-fiancé, who she left at the altar years ago. The story is wonderfully interpersonally complicated.
03 One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus
Last year, in One of Us Is Lying, the Bayview four cut through the destructive gossip app taking down reputations and revealing secrets, and they managed to trace a mysterious murder to the source.
This year, gossip problems and power plays are back, in the form of forced Truth or Dare. Friends and siblings are pitted against each other, and some of our main protagonists are faced with crises of their own.
McManus offers the wonderful established characters of Maeve, Nate, Phoebe, Bronwyn, and Knox from book one, along with other old favorites and new faces, in a set of intertwined, mysterious circumstances. I'm listening to this and can't wait to find out what happens.